riotoqll's diary

基本的に外部記憶として使います。自分用。 人に見せる用のブログはこちら→

Terms of the Use of riotoqll's Byakuya Togami (Fatogami) 3D Model

**there are subject to change without notice**


1. DO NOT use my 3D model to make money.
  because Fatogami is Dangan Ronpa development team's. not your original character.

2. DO NOT re-distribute my 3D model.
 because you can get it on original website whenever you want. 

3. DO NOT re-distribute my 3D model that you edited.
 they might misunderstand as it is made by me.

4. DO NOT use my 3D model to defame someone.
 it gives them a bad impression about Fatogami.

5. DO NOT use my 3D model to make fan-art including gore or NSFW or something like that.
 i don't like it. use your own 3D model when you want to make it.

6. DO NOT change Fatogami into other character.(for example, your original character)
 i edited 3D data for making Fatogami. not other character.

7. DO NOT take my 3D model apart and distribute it.
 you can make 3D model from the beginning if you can combine parts.



 ★Edit the texture and polygon (but you must keep the model as Fatogami.) 


2014/08/16 start distribution of beta

DOWNLOAD Fatogami Model 

 ABOUT riotqll

 ・twitter: @riotoqll

 ・mail: dots.of.rain[atmark]
